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Killings of Jews

The November 19, 2014 Los Angeles Times ran a front page story headlined “Killings of Jews ‘recall dark days.'” It described a Palestinian attack on worshippers at a Jerusalem synagogue. The assailants had guns, but they also had weapons referred to in various press accounts as “knives” and an “ax” and a “meat clever.” The assassins didn’t merely want to kill Jews, they wanted to butcher them as savagely as possible – and as publicly as possible.

The same desire to express hatred of one’s victims was on display two days earlier in an Orange County Register story titled “Islamic State group beheads US aid worker.” The article was accompanied by a photo of ISIS terrorists parading captured Syrian troops before beheading them as well. ISIS and the Palestinians don’t merely want to slaughter their victims, they want the gory spectacle to be as public as possible.

Contrast this brutality (as a propaganda exercise) with Planned Parenthood’s extreme exertions to conceal the savage nature of abortion. Pro-abortion activists try to cover up CBR’s abortion photos almost every place we display them. The Palestinians and ISIS are contemptuous of their enemies’ military strength and doubtful of their will to fight back. So they are “in-your-face” with their inhumane methods. Not so Planned Parenthood. The abortion industry wants abortion to seem benign because Planned Parenthood understands that provoking the church to mobilize against child-sacrifice would be the end of legal abortion in America – which is precisely why CBR is working night and day to drag the church into the Abortion Wars. To help us, visit and donate!